Saturday, November 19, 2011

Help Save Leilani


Do you think you have Health insurance coverage when something major happens........well you better think again.

 Once your medical condition from your stay in the hospital stabilizes your then released to a skill nursing facility or similar type of place for further physical , occupational & speech therapy.  What most people don't know is that your recovery time is limited to 100 days. Even that isn't guaranteed. If the medical group and insurance carrier feels that your not progressing fast enough they can release you sooner than that.

After that you are pretty much on your own with minimal help from the state or Gov't.  It doesn't matter what type of insurance you have. That's it , that's all you get!!!!

It's happening to people young & old everyday. You can do all the research you want and no matter where you look you will find the same result. Many people lose loved ones because they cant get the proper care because it costs so much. People will end up losing everything they have worked their whole life for to help pay for medical related expenses.

We all know that the cost of daily care is more than most people can afford.  When will the news media speak up and put a end to this? You can look at any insurance carrier and it's all the same. Even home health care coverage is a JOKE. 100 nurse visits per year - wow how generous!! We are currently living in this nightmare system where i stand to lose my Wife & our life as we know it.

In November of 2009 my wife had elective heart valve repair surgery & during the procedure something went wrong and she ended up in a coma on life support. The next morning she suffered 2 massive strokes and a severe Brain Injury from initial surgery complications. We spent 6 weeks in the ICU where the doctor & insurance company were already trying to push us out the door into a nursing facility within the first two weeks.

When i told the head nurse on the ICU floor that my wife didn't even have the surgery to put her skull back together and the head ICU doctor was telling us to leave she was shocked. She said don't worry it has to be a mistake. We found out it was. The doctor who told us to leave was filling in for someone else. The Hospital/Medical groups all get a bonus from the insurance companies for discharging you as soon as possible.

Our whole system revolves around profits and not the true care for human life. Obama care does not address this issue at all. Look on any Gov't site you wont find a thing about it. Hmmmmmm...... is it because they don't want everyone to know about it & if everyone did what kind of panic it can cause. If I had taken my wife out of the skilled nursing facility when we were told to she would have died within a couple of months.

Since the surgery in Nov 2009 she has almost died 4 times. My ability to continue to take care of her is running out and we have nowhere to turn to for help. Our story has to be told to help make a change in this ridiculous policy. Send this message out to anyone & everyone along with any news media affiliate. Please have them contact me so i can tell the whole story of our daily life struggle to keep my wife alive. You can make a difference.

Please help us by donating whatever you can to support her continued recovery.
Send a check by mail or walk into any Wells Fargo Branch
Make check payable to : Leilani Donation Fund
On back of check you must write deposit to acct#2324553482

You may also use PayPal via the link below (PayPal account is not required to use this):

Many thanks to all for the continued prayer's & support ,

Leilani & Mario

Mario Pradella